Thursday, March 20, 2008

(Now that I don't have any email to answer, I have lots of time to blog!!!)

Are you happy with your job? Happy with your workplace? I just ran across this site by Alexander Kjerulf--"Chief Happiness Officer", as he calls himself. This post is about worker productivity. He states, "The single most efficient way to increase your productivity is to be happy at work." And then gives 10 examples of shiny happy work. (He has more in depth explanation of each example on his site.) I'm all for being happy at work, I mean who isn't?? In fact, the medical community is telling us that we will live longer and healthier lives if we're happy.

So, shouldn't every boss consider it part of his/her job to help create an enjoyable and happy work environment?

And if you're not happy with your job, the "CHO" has this advice for us:

1. Get happy in the job you have. There are about a million things you can do to improve your work situation - provided you choose to do something, rather than wait for someone else to come along and do it for you.
2. Find a new job where you can be happy. If your current job is not fixable, don’t wait - move on now!

The Happy Worker List:

1: Happy people work better with others

2: Happy people are more creative

3: Happy people fix problems instead of complaining about them

4: Happy people have more energy

5: Happy people are more optimistic

6: Happy people are way more motivated

7: Happy people get sick less often

8: Happy people learn faster

9: Happy people worry less about making mistakes - and consequently make fewer mistakes

10: Happy people make better decisions

1 comment:

Beav said...

I thought "happy people get more chicks" was sure to be in there somewhere