Max showed his first evidence of true self-awareness last Friday. It was quite a memorable experience. He was having a little conversation with the grandparents and the topic was about his unique "excitability". His personality is fairly intense and it shows on a daily basis. It's a highlight of my day when I get to see the little boy truly excited.
So, as they are discussing this topic, Max explains, "Sometimes I shake when I get excited." And then gives a live demonstration of how this works. He starts shaking, just like when he's really excited. It was exactly what we've seen for years now--wide-eyed and visible shaking, usually at least his head/face and often with his hands/arms as well, but this time it was just to let us see what he was talking about.
I was just in awe that he could identify his own behavior, especially something that seemed so uncontrollable. It was such a surprise that he knew what he was doing and could articulate it...and then give a demonstration!
It was a moment of true pride for his dad.
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