If you don't "get" Twitter, I can identify. I didn't understand it and thought, "Why do I want to spend even more time on my computer?". Well, I decided I'd try it and I'm hooked. Here's a few things I like:
- It's quick and simple--not like Facebook, which always seems to want more and more of my time and has more and more content.
- In our increasingly disconnected society (not that I prefer the disconnection, but it is a growing reality) that spends hours on the computer, it's a good way to track with friends (or whomever) and hear about what's been going on in their day, what they're thinking about, where they are, what they're reading, etc.
- I get to follow celebrities, corporations, business, etc--and these people/groups would never be my "friend" on Facebook.
- It creates a sense of inclusion and sharing.
And my favorite Twitterer....
Lance Armstrong. I'm a fan in general, but his tweets (yep, that's what there called) are great. It's been fun following him because he shares all kinds of very current info and pictures. He knows people follow him and is intentional about making people feel involved in his day.
And for you cycling fans...I had a moment of Twitter contact with the 2007 Tour de France winner the other day. I was looking on Armstrong's Twitter and who he was following. I noticed Alberto Contador (Spanish rider who won the 2007 Tour) was on his list. I clicked on Contador's Twitter page and noticed he was new to Twitter (maybe had 8-10 followers) and I decided to follow him.
Well, only moments later, I get an email saying that Alberto Contador is following ME. Here's what I received:
Hi, Rocky Waters.
ALBERTOCONTADOR (ALBERTOCONTADOR) is now following your updates on
Check out ALBERTOCONTADOR's profile here:
http://twitter.com/ALBERTOCONTADOR Best,
I couldn't believe it! He obviously noticed that I was following him and he was checking out who I was. Well, he's a Twitter flirt because he stopped following me momentarily...and I just recently noticed that he BLOCKED me from following him.
What a punk.
Well, Alberto...I'm now rooting for Lance for this year's tour. How come you blocked me? Blocking your fans? Great idea.
(To fill you in a little on the situation, Lance and Alberto are on the same team (Astana). Alberto was not too happy to see Lance return as this means Alberto may no longer be the top dog on the team and the one who gets supported by all the other team members. Currently it's up in the air who will be the team leader and will be determined by who's the strongest rider. Lance is supposedly in the top 3 on the team right now.)
Here's my
Twitter if you're interested. Don't worry, I won't block you.
And for even more info, here's an exhaustive
link on the benefits of Twitter.